Empirical evidence for any extraterrestrial life

DrNoGods wrote:

– What empirical evidence is there that any extraterrestrial life exists?

To my knowledge there is none at the moment.

I agree there is no current empirical evidence for any extraterrestrial life (excluding UFO sightings and alien abductions). In particular, SETI has not come up with anything yet.

Given there is no empirical evidence, I found it striking in the article the certainty scientists have of the existence of alien life. “Many astrophysicists and astronomers are convinced that it’s not a matter of if we’ll find life, but when.

So, a corollary question. If scientists can be convinced something exists when there is no empirical evidence for it, why would it be unreasonable for Christians to believe in something if there is (purportedly) no empirical evidence for it?
