Summary of arguments on the Shroud of Turin

There’s two main views on the shroud:
A) It’s a medieval fake that was produced by some artist
B) It’s the burial shroud of Jesus of Nazareth
Arguments against position A:

1. It is not artwork.

a. This is the conclusion of the 1978 STURP team.

No pigments, paints, dyes or stains have been found on the fibrils. X-ray, fluorescence and microchemistry on the fibrils preclude the possibility of paint being used as a method for creating the image.

We can conclude for now that the Shroud image is that of a real human form of a scourged, crucified man. It is not the product of an artist. The blood stains are composed of hemoglobin and also give a positive test for serum albumin.

b. Silence from art community on the TS


c. Silence in art journals on the TS


d. Testimony from Wesselow and Tite that it is not artwork



2. Top arguments for fake position are dubious.

3. There are no viable naturalistic explanations for the origin of the image dispite several attempts.

Arguments refuting position A and supporting position B:

1. It is the most scientifically studied artifact.


2. Features of the shroud predate the invention of scientific technologies by hundreds of years.

3. Image and blood have features we cannot fully explain.

a. Image only on topmost fibers


b. Blood is still red


4. Features of the shroud predate the use of art techniques by hundreds of years.

5. Image is medically accurate.


6. Features depicted are contrary to artwork and instead depict how it should have actually happened.

7. Image formation is not based on what we visually would see, but on how the cloth would be affected by the imaging mechanism. On the first order, things are depicted correctly, but on the second order, we see things missing as well as distortions.


8. Blood and image patterns precisely match the gospel accounts and uniqely points to Jesus of Nazareth.


9. There are additional details on the TS that are not present in the gospel accounts.

10. Features of the shroud point to 1st century Jerusalem origin.

a. Vanillin test


b. Dimensions of cloth match Assyrian cubit


c. Side strip seam matches Masada seam


d. Banding not seen in medieval weaving, but in ancient weaving


e. Calcium particles on the feet area matching Jerusalem


f. Wide Angle X-ray Scattering (WAXS) points to first century


g. DNA analysis has more people touching the shroud from Middle East than Europe
