Certain features missing and angle encoding

An interesting feature of the shroud image is it is missing depictions of certain things.

“It is important to note there are no images of the sides of the body or the top of the head”
https://blog.asnt.org/the-mysteries-of- … -of-turin/

The shroud would’ve covered the top of the head since it was one piece. Yet, there is no image there. There is nothing between the depictions of the front and back of the head.


This rules out the image being created by some sort of vapor, otherwise the vapor would’ve also created an image at the top of the head. It also is evidence against a bas-relief technique since it would not create a separate front and back image at the top of the head.

“Another part where there is no image present is on the sides of the face.”
https://shroud3d.com/introduction/image … -of-turin/

We clearly see ears are missing.


But not just the sides and the top of the body are missing imaging, but parts of the body like the neck and around the hands have no imaging on the front of the body.

In addition to having a correlation between lack of an image with the distance to the cloth resulting in the 3D information, there also appears to be encoding information with the angle of the cloth relative to the plane of the body. The top of the head is close to the cloth, but has no imaging. It is perpendicular to the ground at that point and there is no imaging. Cloth draping around the neck and hands would be at a greater angle and have less imaging. Of course, on the sides of the body the cloth would have a greater angle as well.

So, there appears to not only have distance information encoded in the cloth, but also the angle of the cloth encoded as well. This is another clue as to how the image was formed.

