Charny did not display the shroud

Some more evidence that Geoffroy de Charny never put the shroud into the church that he built in Lirey…

when Charny formally founded the Lirey
church – which he did between 1353 and May 1356 via an Act of
Foundation so tedious and so lengthy that it has never been translated
from its original Latin – he made not the slightest mention of the Shroud,
let alone stipulated how and when he intended it to be displayed, or how
best it should be kept safe within the church.

The accusation that Charny sought to make money from the shroud by displaying it in his newly built church is without any textual support and contrary to his character.

the perception that Charny must have
founded the Lirey church principally to house the Shroud and to stage
money-making showings from it – the fundamental assumption that lay
behind carbon dating scientist Professor Hall’s so glib assertion ‘Someone [i.e. Charny] just got a piece of linen, faked it up, and flogged it’ – now needs to be firmly rejected as lacking the slightest historical support or foundation

Even though Charny did possess the shroud, he had always kept it a secret. And if he wanted to keep it a secret, of course he would not publicly show it.

One of the most fundamental of those conclusions is that during his
lifetime Charny – for reasons best known to himself – deliberately shied
from ever publicly disclosing his ownership of the Shroud.

Charny’s bishop, Henri de Poitiers, makes no mention of a shroud when he dedicated Charny’s new church.

Bishop Henri’s only letter addressed to Geoffroy I de Charny, original owner of the TS–dated 28 May 1356–mentions no inquest. In it Henri praises Geoffroy’s piety and “… as we have been informed by legal documents, we praise, ratify, and approve a divine cult of this sort.” The TS is not mentioned, and Henri has not gone to Lirey, but has “been informed.” This letter denies the claims of d’Arcis. D’Arcis, a lawyer, who elsewhere carefully cites documents, cites no dated official documents in his Memorandum, saying only that the inquest had been held “about” 1355.

It was only after his death that the shroud was placed into the Lirey church, most likely a decision made by his surviving family since now the bread winner of the family was gone and the family and the church needed income.

Arguably the Shroud had been temporarily
deposited at the Lirey church shortly subsequent to Charny’s death, and
because of the church’s economically straitened circumstances the dean
decided to use it for money-making purposes. Selling locally made souvenir
badges to visiting pilgrims was the classic way of doing this, as exemplified
by the very successful and lucrative showings of the Veronica that had been
held in Rome a few years earlier.