Is it necessary for the Bible to be inerrant?

Is it necessary for the Bible to be inerrant and still be authoritative? Can the Bible be authoritative while still have errors in it?

Also up for discussion is what is meant by the Bible and inerrancy.

As is the case for all debates in TD&D, it is assumed the Bible is authoritative and is not up for debate.

Though there might be more, I could only find two Christian groups that clearly state they believe in Biblical inerrancy without any qualifications – the Southern Baptists and the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod. It appears what they mean by the Bible is a Bible that you can hold in your hands (any English translation of the Bible). They don’t seem to qualify it by saying any particular translation is better than another.

That the messengers to the Southern Baptist Convention meeting in New Orleans, Louisiana, June 19-20, 2012, do hereby reaffirm our belief in and adherence to the doctrine of the inerrancy of Scripture. … -inerrancy

“We therefore believe, teach and confess that since the Holy Scriptures are the Word of God, they contain no errors or contradictions but that they are in all their parts and words the infallible truth.” … principles