C-14 sample weights not consistent

According to the official Nature C-14 report, each lab got ~50 mg of the shroud sample.

“Three samples, each ~50 mg in weight, were prepared from this strip.”

But on closer inspection, the weights for each given specimen varies.

Italian researcher Marinelli said, “Also, regards the weights, there later were pronouncements that gave different weights. Dr. Bollone of the Turin Centro commented, “These weights do not correspond with what is seen on the scales used to weigh the material at the time of the sampling. As far as I’m aware, these inconsistencies have never been explained.” The actual measurements of the 3 samples were shown as: 52.0 mg. for first sample, 52.8 mg for 2nd sample and 53.7 mg in two parts for 3rd sample (which went to Arizona).

https://www.academia.edu/35676836/Polit … Dating_N25


The weights of the samples as recorded when the samples were placed into the vials were 52.0. 52.8, and 53.7.

But, it’s strange that only one lab got a sample with a matching weight. And strangely two labs got a vial that had the same weight.

The Zurich lab recorded their sample as weiging 52.8.
The Arizona lab also recorded their sample as weiging 52.8.
Oxford lab recorded their sample as weighing 50.0 mg.


In their reports, presented at the congress held in Paris in 1989, Riggi and Testore unanimously reported the measure 8.1 cm x 1.6 cm and the same pattern, which states that the weight of the taken sample was 0.497 g; however, in the text Riggi writes that the weight was 0.540 g and then writes that the weight was 0.4775 g. Anyway, being the unit weight of the Shroud cloth 0.023 g/cm^2 , the weight of the removed fragment (8.1 cm x 1.6 cm) should have been approximately 0.300 g, weight which instead is attributed to the sample reduced in size to 7 cm x 1 cm.

Riggi said: “By chance it happens that each of these three parts is identical to the others because the weight of the three fragments on an electronic balance varied by about a thousandth of a gram per piece and was almost equivalent to 0.053 g on average for each sample”. In the second version, however, Testore states that the portion chosen for the subdivision into three parts was not the largest but the smallest (0.1448 g). The three pieces respectively weighed 0.0520 g, 0.0528 g and 0.0396 g. Not to discriminate the one laboratory, which would have received slightely less material, another piece of 0.0141 g was taken from the other half of the sample, the one kept in store. This second version will be confirmed later by Riggi himself.

The inconsistency about weights and measurements of the Shroud samples gave way to suspicions of substitution of the cloth fragments. The rejection of this hypothesis by chemist Eberhard Lindner raised the reactions by theologian Holger Kersten and psychologist Elmar Gruber, who said there must have been a swindle. Chemist Piero Savarino, professor of Industrial Organic Chemistry at Turin University, said: “Unfortunately, a set of facts, or rather of deficiencies and carelessness, leaves the suspicion survive”.


Having weights measured properly and consistently should be the most basic skill in a scientific procedure. Yet, we see this was even violated in the C-14 dating process.
