Blood stains and UV photographs

STURP team members, Vernon Miller and Samuel Pellicori, took various photographic images of the TS in 1977. UV photographs revealed the blood stains more clearly than compared to normal photographs.

They published a paper on the UV findings in Ultraviolet fluorescence photography of the Shroud of Turin in 1981.

One of the nondestructive techniques
used to investigate the Shroud of Turin
was ultraviolet fluorescence (UV) pho-
tography. This technique is able to detect
organic and inorganic compounds by their
integrated emission spectra and it is the
complement of the more common tech-
nique of reflectance photography.

The sharp detail revealed for the first
time, particularly in the scourges, suggests
that intimate cloth-body contact oc-
curred. The detail (and contrast) is only
slightly less prominent on the front than
on the dorsal image, indicating that the
large difference in weight for each side
had only a minor influence on the im-
printing of the scourges. This observation
is contrary to what might be intuitively
expected, and it might be a clue to some
future understanding of the image pro-
duction mechanism.

Hypotheses such as a scorch cause or
paint are contradicted by the fluorescence
photography results.

The 8-cm side strip
running the length of the Shroud shows
weft bands that are continuous with the
main body of the Shroud.

Another feature requiring expla-
nation is the lighter bordering area seen
with many bloodstained areas. The in-
terpretation is that blood serum is
present. … 0OCRsm.pdf

Some of the UV photos:



Diagram of the blood marks:
