Chapter 8 – What’s Wrong With Religion? Why Be So Hostile?

What does Dawkins say is wrong with religion? Does this claim make religion false? McCulloch’s questions: Is religion itself bad or just certain instances of religion? Are non-believers justified in being hostile to religion? otseng wrote:What does Dawkins say is wrong with religion? One of the main critiques of religion that Dawkins has is …

Chapter 7 – The ‘Good’ Book and the Moral Zeitgeist

McCulloch’s questions: Is there is a moral Zeitgeist that continually evolves in society, often in opposition to religious morality? Do believers really use the Bible as a source of their moral values? Is there is a moral Zeitgeist that continually evolves in society, often in opposition to religious morality? Generally speaking, no, morality does …

Chapter 6 – The Roots of Morality: Why Are We Good?

McCulloch’s question: Does our morality have a Darwinian explanation? An additional question: What is meant by “good” and “moral sense”? QED wrote:You name a moral (or lack thereof) and I’ll bet we can explain it within a Darwininan framework. OK, I’ll name one example … Enron. QED wrote:This implies an absolute moral reference for …

Chapter 5 – The Roots of Religion

According to Dawkins, how did religion arise? McCulloch’s question: Is religion as an accidental by-product – a misfiring of something useful? According to Dawkins, how did religion arise? Throughout the book, I am reminded of “for someone with a hammer, every problem is a nail.” Dawkins carries the hammer of natural selection and uses …

Chapter 4 – Why There Almost Certainly Is No God

What arguments does Dawkins present that God does not exist? Are they valid arguments? McCulloch’s questions: Does evolution by natural selection demonstrate that the argument from design is wrong? He suggests that a hypothetical cosmic designer would require an even greater explanation than the phenomena that they intended to explain. He suggests that a …

Chapter 3 – Arguments for God’s Existence

Dawkins presents several arguments used to argue for God’s existence: – The Unmoved Mover – The Uncaused Cause – The Cosmological Argument – The Argument from Degree – The Argument from Design (Teleological Argument) – The Ontological Argument – The Argument from Beauty – The Argument from Personal Experience – The Argument from Scripture – …

Slave and Master in Ancient Near Eastern Law

Selections from “Slave and Master in Ancient Near Eastern Law” by Raymond Westbrook … ticle=3004 Area of the ANE under study: The geographic area bounded by this study is the Fertile Crescent of the ancient Near East, from Mesopotamia in the East, through Anatolia in the North, to Syria-Palestine in the West, but, for …

God owns us

The Bible states God owns everything, including all people. [Deu 10:14 KJV] 14 Behold, the heaven and the heaven of heavens [is] the LORD’S thy God, the earth [also], with all that therein [is]. [Psa 24:1 KJV] 1 [[A Psalm of David.]] The earth [is] the LORD’S, and the fulness thereof; the world, and they …

Chapter 1 – A Deeply Religious Non-believer

I’ll kick off the debate on chapter 1 with a few questions. Feel free to add more questions for us to debate. What does Dawkins mean by “deserved respect”? Does religion really have “undeserved respect”? FinalEnigma wrote:By deserved respect, I think Dawkins means respect and treatment that are properly reflective of the thing to …