Airbrush effect If the shroud image was created by an artist, he could not have brushed paint on it because there are no brush strokes. “It is true to say that there are no signs of brushstrokes on the shroud.” … 667644.htm Another indication it could not have been painted on by a brush is …

Halftone effect

I mentioned one curious effect of the shroud image is that you cannot discern the image when you are close to it. The reason for this is the image uses the halftone effect. Halftone is the reprographic technique that simulates continuous-tone imagery through the use of dots, varying either in size or in spacing, thus …

Scientists are already invoking non-natural explanations

Cosmology (and physics) have started to resort to non-natural explanations because naturalistic explanations are not viable. These are not done by religious right-wing nuts, but by bona fide scientists. The only way to get around this is to equivocate and redefine what is natural. Something outside of our universe is not natural. Something in another …

3-D encoded information

The VP-8 Image Analyzer was produced in 1972 by Pete Schumacher and was primarily used by US governmental research institutions. The VP8 Image Analyzer is an analog computer produced by Pete Schumacher of Interpretations Systems Incorporated (ISI) in 1972. In 1976, the 3-D qualities of the shroud image was discovered using the VP-8 Image …

Anatomical distortions

Some papers discussing image projection from a 3D body to a shroud draped over the body to account for image distortions: Though this image appears to be anatomically reasonable, there are some second-order characteristics which indicate that this may not be so: broadening of hips, elongation of arms and fingers, lateral displacement of hair away …

Experts believe the shroud is a fake

Question: What is your number one reason why you don’t believe this cloth could possibly be the burial cloth of Jesus Christ? Perhaps surprisingly, I’m not going to say carbon dating. There is a far more powerful argument than any single piece of evidence. It is the consensus of expert opinion. First, there is …