JehovahsWitness wrote:So what where are the biblical “errors” ?
I might get into those later, but it’s not the intention of this thread to discuss if the Bible has errors or not. My main point is arguing it is not necessary to believe the Bible is inerrant.
So, continuing on with my arguments…
There are several Christian denominations that do not accept the doctrine of inerrancy:
Episcopal Church
Biblical inerrancy and infallibility are not accepted by the Episcopal Church. … y-biblical
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
ELCA clergy tend not to subscribe to a doctrine of Biblical inerrancy … in_America
The Bible can be faithful and true without being miraculously, supernaturally error free.
Auburn Affirmation 1924
There is no assertion in the Scriptures that their writers were kept “from error.” The Confession of Faith does not make this assertion; and it is significant that this assertion is not to be found in the Apostle’s Creed or the Nicene Creed or in any of the great Reformation confessions. The doctrine of inerrancy, intended to enhance the authority of the Scriptures, in fact impairs their supreme authority for faith and life, and weakens the testimony of the church to the power of God unto salvation through Jesus Christ.