Another difference between the shroud and other medieval depictions of Jesus is the placement of the nail. In other depictions, the nail goes through the palm of the hand. All paintings and sculptures during that time portray it this way. But, the shroud is unique in that it has the nail going through the wrist.
The plethora of artistic depictions of Jesus from the first through the sixteenth centuries all show him as being nailed to the cross through the hands, whereas in the Shroud image he is nailed through the wrists (the Shroud only shows the exit wounds and does not depict at what point the nails entered).
https://www.researchgate.net/publicatio … thenticity
Note, the shroud image reveals the back of the hand, whereas paintings and sculptures show the front of the hand. Why wouldn’t the forger have placed the nail exit location directly on the other side of the center of the palm instead of at the wrist? Why would the forger have had the nail at an angle of entering in the palm and exiting at the wrist?
Crypt, Basilica of Santa Maria Assunta
Circa 1180
https://www.christianiconography.info/V … ileia.html
Simone Martini
The Crucifixion
https://www.christianiconography.info/i … i1333.html
Pacino da Bonaguida
The Crucifixion
Circa 1310-1320
More medieval depictions in post 1603.
Some more art depictions of Jesus that I took at the Art Institute Chicago – Jesus crucifixion
Also, note thumbs are missing from the shroud. Why would the forger omit the thumbs?