Hades and Tartarus

Hades is used 11 times. Jesus never mentions Hades as a place where people are cast into or damned. Two times it is used in reference to the city Capernaum. One time about the gates of Hades not prevailing. And one about the rich man and Lazarus in Hades. [Mat 11:23 KJV] 23 And thou, …


AgnosticBoy wrote: I agree with all on your list if we’re only referring to the dead in Sheol. But I believe many Christians equate “Hell” with the Lake of Fire reference. Eventhough equating the two is wrong, but the concept of eternal punishment is still mentioned in the Bible in my opinion. Yeah, we’ll have …


A word closely associated with Sheol is Abaddon, which is translated as destruction. [Job 26:6 KJV] 6 Hell (Sheol) [is] naked before him, and destruction (Abaddon) hath no covering. [Pro 15:11 KJV] 11 Hell (Sheol) and destruction (Abaddon) [are] before the LORD: how much more then the hearts of the children of men? “The Destroyer,” …

Hell and sheol

JehovahsWitness wrote: otseng wrote: ..Sheol, it can refer to a literal physical grave … Can you provide a text where you believe this to be the case? I’m surprised so many people want to debate this. Even if it does not refer to a physical grave, it’s not that important. I don’t see how it …

Body and spirit

JehovahsWitness wrote: The bible does not support the teachings of consciouse survival of any part of a person after their physical body ceases to function. Interesting post, but the Bible does teach survival after a person dies. Here’s some verses: Saul summoned the spirit of Samuel with the witch at Endor. 1Sa 28:15 And Samuel …

Dating mechanisms

Jose wrote:Indeed, dating mechanisms are really important. It is, perhaps, a good idea to bring in other dating methods–or at least, other methods of measuring pre-historic time. Dendrochronology (tree rings) can get us back 9000 years or so. Ice cores from Greenland and the Antarctic can get us back 160,000 years. These dates are nowhere near the ages …

Sedimentary rocks

OK, it’s been awhile since I’ve posted in this thread, but I’ll move the topic along by going on to the next prediction. Prediction 4. Except for those areas that were rapidly eroded, and except for the vicinity of the ocean ridges, all of the earth’s surface should be covered with sediments from the flood. …

Basement rocks

I will first approach this discussion by looking into the basement rocks. (Predictions 1 and 2 touch upon dating techniques. And I will defer that discussion until later.) Jose wrote:Prediction: 3. Basement rocks, that existed prior to the flood, should show no evidence of different strata.Test: 3. Are the oldest rocks we can find uniform …