
The Keramion is a ceramic tile with an image of Jesus on it and is closely associated with the Mandylion. It has its own legend surrounding it and it is believed to have been displayed at the Edessa gate. He also released an order and law in writing, that whoever entered that gate of the …

Art depictions of Jesus before 525

After the time the Edessa image was rediscovered in 525, art depictions of Jesus standardized to the image on the TS. Before this, Jesus was depicted in various ways, commonly without a beard and Roman-like. … acidia.jpg The Good Shepherd mosaic in the Mausoleum of Galla Placidia in Ravenna, Italy dates to the early …

Joseph of Arimathea … _cat40.jpg Joseph of Arimathea is not really mentioned much in the Bible. There are four passages: [Mat 27:57-60 KJV] 57 When the even was come, there came a rich man of Arimathaea, named Joseph, who also himself was Jesus’ disciple: 58 He went to Pilate, and begged the body of Jesus. Then Pilate …

Jerusalem hymn

The legend of Jesus and Joseph of Arimathea in Britain is carried even to this day through one of the most popular songs in the UK, the Jerusalem hymn. It is considered to be the unofficial national anthem of the UK. ‘Jerusalem’ takes its words from a poem by William Blake and is often put …

Holy Grail

Arthur Hughes – Sir Galahad – The Quest for the Holy Grail … _Grail.jpg The Holy Grail is a very popular legend. From the knights of medieval legends to Indiana Jones, the holy grail has been the most sought-after Christian relic in popular culture for centuries. The Holy Grail (French: Saint Graal, Breton: …

Templars executed … urning.jpg The purpose of the Templars was to protect pilgrims journeying to Jerusalem. But, when the crusades ended in the late 13th century, it ended their primary purpose and turned entirely into an economic business. It then became a prime target because of their wealth. Above all, the Templars held all of their …