Pharaoh and Maat

One reason I went into such detail about the plagues is to show whoever wrote the Exodus account had an intimate knowledge of the Egyptian religion. It was not just a simple story of 10 bad things happening as children’s Sunday school lessons typically portray. Readers that lived in the Egyptian New Kingdom period would’ve …

Fifth and sixth plagues

Fifth plague – Death of livestock Exod 9:3 behold, the hand of the LORD will fall with a very severe plague upon your livestock that are in the field, the horses, the donkeys, the camels, the herds, and the flocks. … useum).jpg The Apis bull was an important sacred animal to the ancient Egyptians. …

Swarm and flies

Diogenes wrote: ↑Sun May 01, 2022 6:28 pm I find it surprising and inexplicable that Young’s would translate the word as “beetle,” for two reasons. First, most translations say “flies.” Second, flies torture livestock as well as people, whereas the scarab beetle was sacred and actually beneficial. As I mentioned, flies is not in the …


There are examples in the Old Testament where anachronisms exist. That is, words and ideas are used that would not have been correct at that point in time and are only relevant much later. Michael Grisanti proposes the Old Testament texts, in particular the Torah, have updated certain text so contemporary readers could understand it …