Denominations that do not accept the doctrine of inerrancy

JehovahsWitness wrote:So what where are the biblical “errors” ? I might get into those later, but it’s not the intention of this thread to discuss if the Bible has errors or not. My main point is arguing it is not necessary to believe the Bible is inerrant. So, continuing on with my arguments… There are several …

Inerrancy and errors

JehovahsWitness wrote:I don’t mind stating for the record that I don’t believe it has any errors (historical, scientific) or any contradictions but we are not here to discuss that … Personally, I do believe the autographs have “errors” in them. But even if it does have “errors”, it is meaningless to claim the Bible is errant. …

Would the occasional flaw nullify the Bible’s authority?

Elijah John wrote:But grant that for the sake of argument. Would the occasional flaw nullify the Bible’s authority? Why should, or why would that be so? Yes, this is what this thread is about. Seems like people still want to discuss if the Bible has errors in it. I think it’s safe to acknowledge that any …

Inerrancy syllogism

Given that the majority consensus view on inerrancy only applies to the autographs and does not apply to any translations, and given that we do not have any autographs and no originals exist, and given that we only use modern translations, and given that when we use the term Bible, it is in reference to …

Inerrancy only applies to the autographs

Yes, most of the groups that I found add the qualification that inerrancy only applies to the autographs (original). Probably if pressed, the Southern Baptists and Lutheran Church Missouri Synod would limit it to the autographs, but they are not explicit in this. Following applies inerrancy only to the autographs: Chicago statement on Biblical inerrancy …

Summary argument for Lazarus writing book of John

To recap, here are the reasons John could not be TDWJL: – John identifies himself in Revelation viewtopic.php?p=957883#957883 – There are two ways to spell Jerusalem. One is used in Revelation and another different one is used in the fourth gospel. viewtopic.php?p=957926#957926 – The fourth gospel does not mention events where only Peter, James, and …