https://www.mysteriesoftherosary.org/20 … turin.html
To reiterate what I said at the start of the discussion on the provenance of the TS:
otseng wrote: ↑Sat May 06, 2023 7:04 am Knowing the history of the shroud is not a necessary condition for my arguments on the authenticity of the shroud. But, it would satisfy intellectual curiosity of how the shroud traveled from Jerusalem to Lirey, France.The analysis of the possible route will be assuming the shroud is authentic. If anyone wants to argue it’s not authentic, address my summary of arguments on the Shroud of Turin and not on things posted about the provenance of the TS.
It is impossible to determine the exact trail the shroud would’ve taken from first century Jerusalem to 14th century Lirey, France. But, it’s possible to reconstruct a reasonable route based on textual evidence and art depictions.
Summary of a possible route (in chronological order):
1. The burial shroud was found in an empty tomb by Peter and the beloved disciple. There is no mention they took the shroud.
2. According to the gospel of Hebrews, Jesus gave the shroud to the “servant of the priest”. I contend this is Lazarus.
3. King Abgar V of Edessa was healed by Judas Thaddeus. The shroud entered Edessa sometime in the first century, most likely around 70 AD with the fall of Jerusalem.
4. The shroud was hidden in a jar in the wall of Edessa when the city fell back to paganism.
5. A flood destroyed the wall and the shroud was rediscovered around 525 AD.
6. In 544 AD, Edessa was attacked by the Persians.
7. In 943 AD, the Byzantines negotiates with Edessa for the shroud and it then enters Constantinople.
8. Constantinople was sacked by the Crusaders in 1204. A French crusader, possibly a Templar, took the shroud back to France.
9. The Templars kept the shroud until around 1310 when many French Templars were burned at the stake.
10. Geoffroi de Charney, Normandy preceptor of the Templars, gives the shroud to another Geoffroi de Charney, before he is burned at the stake in 1314.
11. Geoffroi de Charney builds the church in Lirey, France, but keeps the shroud hidden.
12. His son, Geoffroi II de Charney, displays the shroud in the Lirey church and starts selling souvenirs of the shroud around late 1350s.