Hume’s law – “is-ought problem”

Hume’s law states normative statements cannot be logically deduced from descriptive statements. This is the “is-ought problem”. The is–ought problem, as articulated by the Scottish philosopher and historian David Hume, arises when one makes claims about what ought to be that are based solely on statements about what is. Hume found that there seems to …

Chattel slavery

alexxcJRO wrote: ↑Fri Jan 19, 2024 3:46 am We have the same problems as before. We have the same contradiction. We have an omni-perfect being(the most wise being, the most just being, the most knowledgeable being, the most benevolent and loving being, the most powerful being) making laws for slavery, for chattel slavery-the worst kind. …

Sam Harris – The Moral Landscape

boatsnguitars wrote: ↑Wed Jan 17, 2024 2:54 pm Harris argues for an objective basis for morality grounded in the well-being of conscious creatures. In his book “The Moral Landscape: How Science Can Determine Human Values” (2010), Harris posits that there are objective truths to be known about human well-being. He suggests that science, particularly neuroscience, …

Desire for perfection

A trait that people have is we have this expectation and desire that things needs to be “perfect”. It’s almost like another intuitive aspect of us, similar to having an innate sense of objective morality. And when things are not “perfect”, we have an uneasiness about it. We see this with Christian’s view of the …

Pale Blue Thoughts – The Shroud of Turin’s Authenticity Exposed

The Shroud of Turin’s Authenticity Exposed – The Shroud of Turin: Jesus’s face or a clever fake? Pale Blue Thoughts 1:03 But there is one Miracle which stands alone in the sea of Miracles there is only one such Relic available in the entire world that itself is a miracle isn’t it and that is …

Nature’s Destiny – Michael Denton

Michael John Denton (born 25 August 1943) is a British-Australian biochemist who is Senior Research Fellow in the Department of Biochemistry at the University of Otago in New Zealand. Denton is the author of Evolution: A Theory in Crisis and Nature’s Destiny, the former book was instrumental in starting the intelligent design movement. Michael …

Chapter 14 – Recapitulation and Conclusion

What is Darwin’s point in chapter 14? In this chapter, Darwin concludes the book and briefly reviews things stated earlier. At the beginning of the chapter, he claims to have given arguments against his theory their “full force”. “That many and grave objections may be advanced against the theory of descent with modification through …

Chapter 13 – Mutual Affinities of Organic Beings: Morphology: Embryology: Rudimentary Organs

What is Darwin’s point in chapter 13? In chapter 13, Darwin presents several ideas in one chapter. The first is that of the classification of life. “Naturalists try to arrange the species, genera, and families in each class, on what is called the Natural System.” He then explores some of the criteria in how …