Richard Carrier – The Case Against the Resurrection

Richard Carrier on The Case Against the Resurrection: Carrier claims extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. 1:13 Therefore the claim that Jesus rose from the dead is an extraordinary claim. So just like a claim to own a starship it requires our extraordinary evidence not because it’s impossible but because it’s incredible we have no more …

Dale Allison – I wager against authenticity

Dale Allison, in his book, The Resurrection Of Jesus: Apologetics, Polemics, History (2021), makes this observation – “New Testament scholars have generally failed to broach the topic [of the Shroud of Turin]”. He does mention John Robinson, but the reference is quite dated with a publication of 1977. I know Gary Habermas has written on …

Dan Barker – Did Jesus Really Rise From the Dead?

Dan Barker gave a presentation questioning the resurrection of Jesus: Did Jesus Really Rise From the Dead? In the presentation, Barker gave several reasons against Jesus rising from the dead. His first argument is history assumes naturalism and so history cannot investigate miraculous claims. I don’t disagree too much with him here. Just like science …

Law and Torah

Athetotheist wrote: ↑Tue Jul 18, 2023 10:50 pm  The word “torah” means “law”. … v/wlc/0-1/ Law is only one of the meanings. From your source, it is “law, direction, instruction”. Let’s see what Jews have to say on what the Torah means: In ancient times, the word “torah” wasn’t a proper noun at all, …

Acts 10:11 – large linen sheet coming down

Another passage with an indirect reference to the shroud could be Acts 10:11: Acts 10:11 (KJV) And saw heaven opened, and a certain vessel descending unto him, as it had been a great sheet knit at the four corners, and let down to the earth: Sheet is othonē (ὀθόνη) – G3607 It means a …