Sex trafficking

Exhibit 5: Sex trafficking “Sex trafficking is human trafficking for the purpose of sexual exploitation, including sexual slavery. A victim is forced, in one of a variety of ways, into a situation of dependency on their trafficker(s) and then used by said trafficker(s) to give sexual services to customers.” “Sex trafficking is a modern-day …


Elijah John wrote: The average person in any society is not completely bad, or completely good. That is observable and just a fact. I used to believe this too, even just a few months ago. Now I’m not convinced of this. My argument is not whether people can do good or bad things. Of course …

Evil is perpetrated by ordinary, good people

Studies of atrocities show that evil is not committed by the fringe groups of evil people. Rather, evil is perpetrated by ordinary, “good” people. Concerning people who worked in the Nazi concentration camps, Professor Jim Waller (the Cohen Professor of Holocaust and Genocide Studies at Keene State College), remarked, “Who are these people and how …

Milgram experiment

We would like to think we are good people, but others, like those who worked in the Nazi concentration camps, could be evil people. But, experiments show that normal, ordinary people can commit such atrocities. Exhibit #2 – Milgram experiment Milgram devised his psychological study to answer the popular contemporary question: “Could it be that …